Global low-energy weak solutions for compressible magneto-micropolar fluids with discontinuous initial data in R^3


  • Wanping Wu Guangxi Normal Univ., Guilin, Guangxi, China
  • Yinghui Zhang Guangxi Normal Univ., Guilin, Guangxi, China



Magneto-micropolar fluids; weak solutions; global-in-time existence; low-energy


This article concerns the weak solutions of a 3D Cauchy problem of compressible magneto-micropolar fluids with discontinuous initial data. Under the assumption that the initial data are of small energy and the initial density is positive and essentially bounded, we establish the existence of weak solutions that are global-in-time. Moreover, we obtain the large-time behavior of such solutions.

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How to Cite

Global low-energy weak solutions for compressible magneto-micropolar fluids with discontinuous initial data in R^3. (2023). Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2023(01-87), No. 86, 1-33.